Some Basic Aspects of Curbs & Gutter | How to Form Concrete Curb & Gutter | Benefits of Stone Curb & Gutter

In this article, we will discuss

What are Curbs and Gutters | how to form concrete Curbs and gutter Construction of Curb and Gutter Step-by-Step Guide 5 Important Types of Curb and Gutter | How much Cost are Curbs and gutter per foot?


A curb is a low wall that runs along the edge of a pavement and is designed to hold it in place and create a barrier between a yard and the street. It is bordered by a gutter, which is a level slab of concrete that directs water away from the yard and away from the house. At a construction site, curbs and gutters are typically installed at the same time.

Curbs and gutters come in many different styles and are used to build both light and heavy pavements of the road. The Curb and Gutter are put in all the way down the road. The main reason for a curb and gutter is to make the road's pavement stronger.

Curbs and gutters are structures made of concrete or asphalt that collect water that runs off parking lots and other surfaces that don't let water through.

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What are Curbs and Gutters

The term "curb and gutter" refers to concrete or asphalt structures that are used to collect surface runoff from paved streets, parking lots, or other impervious surfaces and convey it to a storm drain system or an appropriate treatment and/or infiltration system. Curbs and gutters are typically located along the edges of impervious surfaces such as parking lots. It is recommended that curb and gutter systems be eliminated or scaled back wherever possible.

For example, an asphalt driveway doesn't have a finish line, and the edges are usually the first places to break. The edge is the weakest part, and when cars drive over it, it can push out into the dirt and break.

The part of the curb and gutter that you can't see is about 8 inches thick and is buried below ground level. This makes it a very strong barrier.

how to form concrete curb and gutter

Most parking lots are designed so that the "gutter pans" of the curb and gutter act as flow lines for water. Concrete can be put down much more precisely than asphalt, so even lots that are pretty flat can drain well. Curbs and gutters are the first part of a parking lot to be put in, and they must be done exactly right. Most asphalt is put down so that it drains towards the curb and gutter. This lets water flow to the catch basin or some other place where it can go.

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  • Set up and label the parts that will be taken out and replaced. Concrete curbs and gutters should be taken out as far as the next joint.
  • Set up warning signs to keep people safe on the job site.
  • The edge of the repair was cut with a saw to make a smooth edge.
  • Dig up the broken concrete and take it to a recycling centre.
  • If the ground below is soft or in bad shape, remove it to a depth of at least 4 inches and replace it with crushed stone. A vibratory tamper should be used to level and pack the stone wall.
  • Set up concrete forms by pinning together metal or wood forms at regular intervals so that the forms don't get damaged or "blow out" when the concrete is added.
  • Pour concrete using 3000 psi or 3500 psi air-entrained concrete. Air entrainment is only used for concrete that will be outside. It helps the concrete stand up to changes in the weather.
  • Trowel the concrete level and score joints at 10′ intervals. About every 100', you should put an expansion joint.
  • Once the concrete is mostly set, pull the forms off the face and smooth the curb face with a trowel.
  • Use the broom finish in a direction that is parallel to the curb.
  • Once the concrete has hardened, you can remove the forms. Any dirt on the site can be used to fill in the holes where the forms used to be.
  • Take out any trash or debris that is still there.

Construction of Curb and Gutter Step-by-Step Guide

The construction of a curb and gutter by hand is broken down into the following sections.

1. Marking and Excavation

The first and foremost step of every construction activity is Marking. The path at which the curb and gutter have to be constructed is marked using marking powder. A necessary gradient is given to make sure all the water coming from it is efficiently drained.

The marked area is then excavated with manual or mechanical means up to a depth of 300mm. The excavated soil is stacked away from the site. All the loose soil and dirt are tamped firmly using a hand tamper or mechanical compactor.

A gravel base mixed with cement is laid down and compacted. The gravel base for both the curb and gutter is laid at once and the width of the gravel base will be the combined width of the curb and gutter.

2. Structure Formwork

Plywood or steel moulds are used to make the formwork. How the formwork is made depends on what kind of curb is being built. Wooden stakes are used to build and secure forms. They are driven into the ground with a hammer.

Use metal clamps or 1-by-2 boards nailed across the tops of the curb form boards about every foot to hold the spacers in place on the two boards. At regular intervals, spacers are given.

The level and plumb of the formwork are checked to make sure it is in the right place and has the right shape. Coat the moulds with cooking oil or something similar to keep the concrete from sticking to them.

3. Concrete placement

In the formwork, the concrete mix that was planned is poured. First, concrete is poured into the gutter area. Then, concrete is poured on top of the curb formwork. For a durable curb and gutter, the right amount of compaction is made sure.

After the concrete has been set, take off the front curb board and use special tools to smooth the curb and gutter surfaces. A finishing tool is used to make holes in the concrete in the gutter where spacers were placed in the curb form. Take out the spacers and use concrete mortar to fill the gaps.

4. Curing

After the concrete has been poured and smoothed out, it needs to cure to get strong and last a long time. Curbs need to be kept from drying out, getting damaged by rain or traffic, and getting too hot or too cold.

5 Important Types of Curb and Gutter

The Curbs and Gutter can be built in a wide variety of different forms and dimensions. In general, the curbs are categorised based on the sizes and shapes of their individual components. The following is a list of the various types of sizes

1. Barrier Curb and Gutter

The Barrier Curb and Gutter is a common type of curb and gutter that is used on sidewalks and in parking lots. The word "curb" in its name tells you that this is a barrier that is built to keep cars away from sidewalks or parking lots.

Most of the time, cement concrete and asphalt aggregates are used to make barriers, curbs, and gutters.

2. Mower Curb and Gutter

Mower curbs are typically utilised in the gardens as well as the regions of the lawns that are designated for flowering. This particular style of curbs and gutters has an ornamental appearance, but their primary function is to create a robust and secure barrier between the walkway and the green zone.

The decorative purpose of these kinds of curbs is highlighted by the fact that they are available in a wide variety of colours and patterns.

3. Mountable Curb and Gutter

Mountable curbs are characterised by having a shallow depression on one of the face surfaces of the curb. These are the types of curbs that make it possible for vehicles to easily drive off the road surface.

4. Slanted Curb and Gutter

Slanted curbs are typically ornamental curbs, the purpose of which is to draw additional attention to the structure and are typically installed for this purpose. The only reason to have slanted curbs is to enhance their aesthetic value; they do not serve any other function. The majority of the time, they are employed solely for aesthetic purposes.

5. Monolithic Curb and Gutter

Monolithic curbs also called "integral curbs," are made so that the joints between them are cast into a single slab of concrete. The monolithic curb is connected to the road.

Monolithic curbs are built into the road, and the tops of these curbs are made to be the same height so that there is more grip. This will make it easy and simple for the vehicles to pass without hurting the concrete foundation's inner structure.

Compared to the other types of curbs, the Monolithic Curbs have a smoother transition into the road.


In parking lots and driveways, curbs and gutters help people get to buildings in many different industries. The curbs and gutters on both public and private roads are the responsibility of the companies that build and take care of the roads. Curbs and gutters can be found on the properties of apartment complexes, restaurants, warehouses, industrial facilities, office buildings, and multi-family housing complexes. This means that they may need help keeping these parts of a road or parking lot in good shape.

It's a pain to deal with damage to a property's curb and gutter. Many property owners think they have to tear out and replace the concrete, but curbs and gutters can often be fixed. NTS Contractors is a concrete company with a lot of experience that focuses on concrete repair. The technicians can look at the damaged parts of the concrete and fix them to make the surface smoother and the curb and gutter work better. Contact NTS Contractors to find out more about the concrete services they offer or to get an estimate of how much it will cost to fix something.

Benefits/Importance of curb and gutter

There are many good things about curbs and gutters, which are listed below.

  • The curbs help the road sweepers work better by keeping the trash in the middle of the road.
  • Curbs add to the beauty of streets and parking lots.
  • Curbs also help keep the pavement of the roads in place.
  • Gutters help water that runs off the pavement to flow away quickly and efficiently.
  • Concrete curbs have a shiny surface that makes them easier to see at night and helps keep people from getting into accidents.
  • Curbs create a closed border that makes it easier to pack down the concrete when building a road and keeps the edges from falling apart.

Disadvantages of Curb & Gutter

There are also some problems with building curbs and gutters. Here are some of them:
  • For the curb and gutters to be built, skilled work was needed.
  • There is a chance that the gets clogged up during the monsoon, which could cause water to build up on the surface of the road.

How much Cost is curb and gutter per foot?

The cost of the materials to install concrete curb and gutter ranges from $5.80 to $6.70 per linear foot, with a national average that comes out to be $6.20 per linear foot.

Dimensions of curb and gutter

1. In Commercial Zones, Vertical Curbs Will Be Used.

what is curb and gutter, curb and gutter cross section, Image of Types of curb and gutter, Types of curb and gutter, Image of CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL, CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL, Image of Curb and gutter design, Curb and gutter design, Image of Curb and gutter construction, Curb and gutter construction, Image of Mountable curb and gutter, Mountable curb and gutter,

2. In residential zones, rolled curbs will be used.

what is curb and gutter, curb and gutter cross section, Image of Types of curb and gutter, Types of curb and gutter, Image of CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL, CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL, Image of Curb and gutter design, Curb and gutter design, Image of Curb and gutter construction, Curb and gutter construction, Image of Mountable curb and gutter, Mountable curb and gutter,

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Civil Engineering Information

The creator Azib Rajput , is a civil engineer living in islamabad>> Punjab>> Pakistan . He has completed his DAE civil from CTTI. This site was made for educational purpose so as to help the fellow civil engineering students and to spread the knowledge about the latest civil engineering projects and softwares. This site consists of general notes of all engineering fields which are specifically taken from my class notes by considering various books and journals.

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