What is the Composition of Making the Mortar | Method of Preparation of Cement And and Lime Mortars

In this article, we will discuss

The classification of mortars | Different proportions of Mortars for various works | Functions of mortars | Methods of preparation of mortars | What is the Composition of Making the Mortar 

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Mortar may be defined as a paste formed by mixing water and fine aggregate.

And a binding material in a specified proportion. This paste hardens on drying and

Binds the bricks, stones, and concrete blocks together.

Classification of Mortars

Different mortars that are in everyday use are;-

1. Lime mortars

2. Cement mortars.

3. Lime Cement mortars.

4. Mud Mortars.

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1. Lime Mortars

Lime mortar may be lime and sand mortar, lime and surkhi mortar, lime sand and 

surkhi mortar, Slaked fat lime is used to prepare mortar to be used for plastering 

And hydraulic lime in preparing mortar for use in masonry Construction. For 

Strength, coarse and well-graded sand should be used. Poor sand could be used. 

For non-load bearing work.

Preparation and Mixing

Measured quantities of aggregate and slaked lime in the form of powder are

Placed on a masonry platform. The constituents are first mixed dry by turning.

Hem over three or four times with spades. Then the mixing is continued, after

Add water till a mortar of uniform color and consistency is obtained.

2. Lime Cement Mortars

It is also known as a composite mortar when lime mortar is made from fat lime.

If desired to be improved, with regard to its initial setting time, then Cement is

Added to it. Cement should be added only to that much lime mortar which can be

Used within two hours of the addition of Cement.


Cement, sand, and slaked lime in required proportions are first mixed dry.

Water is then added, and mixing continued till a paste of uniform color and

Consistency is obtained.

3. Cement Mortar

It is far stronger than lime mortar and is therefore preferred for use in the

Construction of structures subject to heavier pressures. Cement mortars give

Excellent compressive strengths when coarse clean sand is used. Addition of extra

Water leads to segregation and to loss of Cement and non-uniformity in the

Material. It also increases shrinkage and reduces bond strength and adhesiveness.

Thus, affecting its resistance against water penetration and ultimate strength.


Clean, dry sand is spread in a uniform layer on a platform on it the requisite.

The quantity of Cement is spread in a uniform layer. Then it is mixed dry by working it.

Over with spades two or three times till the whole mass becomes of a uniform


Then the depression is made in the middle of it where-in the required.

Quantity of water is added. Dry material from the sides is placed on the edge of

Depression containing water. It is done gradually till the whole water has been

Absorbed by the dry mass. Care is taken not to let the water breach the banks and

flow out,

4. Mud Mortars

The paste prepared by mixing a suitable clayey soil with water is called.

Mud mortar.

The soil which is used for preparing mud mortar should be free from grass,

pebbles etc. These are the cheapest mortars but are weaker in strength.

These mortars and generally used for the brickwork of ordinary buildings and

For plastering walls in rural areas.

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Mud mortar is generally prepared from the clayey soil locally available at

The site of work. The common practice is to remove the layered earth up to 200 to

300 mm depth; the soil lying below this level is dug out. If suitable soil is not

Available at the work site, the same is to be brought from the nearest site.

Possible. All the lumps of earth are broken, and then a Sufficient quantity of water. 

It is added and left for a day or so. The whole mass is then thoroughly mixed by 

Adding. Required quantity of water and overturning with a shovel to make the mortar

Of proper consistency.

Different proportions of Mortars for various works.

what is the composition of making the mortar, mortar meaning in hindi, what is mortar in construction, what is wet process?, cement mortar composition, types of mortar, uses of mortar, cement mortar uses, cement mortar ratio, civil engineering,

Functions of Mortar

The following are the functions of mortar;

1. To properly bind the bricks or stones to strengthen the structure.

2. The soil which is used for preparing mud mortar should be free from grass,

pebbles etc. These are the cheapest mortars but are weaker in strength.

3. These mortars and generally used for the brickwork of ordinary buildings and

For plastering walls in rural areas.


Mud mortar is generally prepared from clayey soil locally available at

The site of work. The common practice is to remove the layered of earth up to 200 

To 300 mm depth, the soil lying below this level is dug out. If suitable soil is not

Available at the work site, the same is to be brought from the nearest site.

Possible. All the lumps of earth are broken, and then a Sufficient quantity of water is

Added and left for a day or so. The whole mass is then thoroughly mixed by adding.

the required quantity of water and overturning with a shovel to make the 

Mortar of proper consistency.

Different proportions of Mortars for various works

what is the composition of making the mortar, mortar meaning in hindi, what is mortar in construction, what is wet process?, cement mortar composition, types of mortar, uses of mortar, cement mortar uses, cement mortar ratio, civil engineering,

Functions of Mortar

The following are the functions of mortar:

1. To properly bind the bricks or stones to strengthen the structure.

2. Machine Mixing

This method is used when a large quantity of mortar is required continuously at a 

Fast rate. In this method, mixing the ingredients of mortar is done in a machine. 

Which is known as a mixer. Ingredients in specified proportions are put into the 

The drum of the mixer and the required water quantity are added immediately. 

Before revolving the drum. After this, the drum is rotated for a sufficient period to 

Form a uniform mixture of the required consistency.

Composition and uses of lime and mortars

All brick or block walls need good mortar to hold the units together. Doing so seals the joints to create a weatherproof barrier and aids in supporting the weight put on the wall. Mortar is a paste made by mixing fine aggregates and a binding substance, such as clay, gypsum, lime, Cement, or a combination of more than one, with water. The material can set and harden after being formed in this way. Adherence to a few straightforward rules is necessary for the best results when making mortar. They are as follows:

•The use of suitable materials.

•The choice of the mix ratio that gives the best result for any given situation.

Mix Proportion for Cement Mortar

what is the composition of making the mortar, mortar meaning in hindi, what is mortar in construction, what is wet process?, cement mortar composition, types of mortar, uses of mortar, cement mortar uses, cement mortar ratio, civil engineering,


To make good mortar, you need to use suitable quality materials. The mortar materials are as follows:


Mortar should only be made with high-quality Cement, which is enhanced by how Cement is stored and how long it lasts. The best place to store Cement is off the ground in a dry, moisture-free environment. A humid climate shortens Cement's shelf life. Use caution if the Cement has become lumpy because it has a finite shelf life.

Hydrated Lime

Lime is added to make the mortar creamier, more workable, and more durable. It is made up of calcium hydroxides or oxides. It lessens the likelihood of the mixture cracking as it dries.


The fine aggregate in the mortar is sand. Different types of sand, from coarse or sharp sand to fine sand, are used according to the binding environment or use. Sand used for mortar needs to be free of any impurities affecting its performance.


Clean, fresh, and impure water should be used to make mortars. Generally speaking, you can make mortar if the water is potable or suitable for drinking.


A chemical called an adjuvant is added to mortar to influence or improve one or more properties required in the mortar. They shouldn't be used in place of lime; only use them in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Before adding water, the other ingredients should be thoroughly mixed with the pigments added to color the mortar. The amount of pigment added should not be more than 10% of the weight of Cement in the mixture. To ensure the desired color is obtained, it is suggested that a sample of the colored mortar be prepared and allowed to completely dry before work is started.


The term "mix" refers to the ratio of the mortar's constituent parts and the process used to combine them for a consistent outcome.

Mix Proportion for Lime Mortar

what is the composition of making the mortar, mortar meaning in hindi, what is mortar in construction, what is wet process?, cement mortar composition, types of mortar, uses of mortar, cement mortar uses, cement mortar ratio, civil engineering,

Mortar Meaning in Hindi


A mortar is a short cannon that fires shells high into the air for a short distance.

एक प्रकार की तोप 


Mortar is a mixture of sand, water, and Cement, which is put between bricks to make them stay firmly together.
Civil Engineering Information

The creator Azib Rajput , is a civil engineer living in islamabad>> Punjab>> Pakistan . He has completed his DAE civil from CTTI. This site was made for educational purpose so as to help the fellow civil engineering students and to spread the knowledge about the latest civil engineering projects and softwares. This site consists of general notes of all engineering fields which are specifically taken from my class notes by considering various books and journals.

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