Let us now go through the steps necessary to calculate the horizontal distance between two points using only an auto-level machine and a leveling staff.
As shown in the diagram above, we will determine the distance L between points A and B without using a measuring tape.
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1. Install the tripod legs and the auto level on the tripod.
2. Center the bubble in a vial to level the auto-level machine.
3. Move the auto-level position over the ground with a plumb bob and label it as point A.
4. Maintain the vertical position of the staff at point B.
5. Adjust the telescope lens until you can clearly see the cross hair and stadia hair.
The telescope, as shown in the drawing, is made up of two stadia hairs, upper and lower stadia hair.
6. Position the telescope over the leveling staff at point B.
7. Take the two staff readings at the upper and lower stadia hair levels, as shown below.
Reading at the upper stadia hair = 1.7m.
Reading at the lower stadia hair = 1.56m.
Now, the horizontal distance L
= [(Upper stadia hair reading - lower stadia hair reading ) × 100]
= [( 1.7m. - 1.56m ) × 100]
= [ 0.14m.× 100]
= 14m.
The difference in the stadia hair reading is set at a 1:100 ratio in the auto-level machine. For example, if the reading difference is 1cm, it represents 1m above ground.
To obtain the measurement over the ground, multiply the difference in-stadia hair readings by 100.
Use-Full Information
The specialized leveling tool is extremely useful for constructors, builders, contractors, land reviewing (surveying) experts, or engineers who want to achieve perfect grading (leveling) every time. Auto Level can be installed right away. It's extremely simple and saves time and money on each task.
The straight (horizontal) length (distance) in the construction area will be calculated using stadia hair.
An auto level, also known as an automatic level, is a visual device used to form or confirm marks on a similarly straight surface. It is used in reviewing and building with a vertical staff to compute elevation differences and shift, calculate, and determine elevations.
Nice information keep it up